Declaración de Protección de Datos

Proteger su privacidad es muy importante para nosotros. Nos tomamos muy en serio la protección de los datos personales y observamos las reglamentos del Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (RGPD), de la Ley Federal Alemana de Protección de Datos (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, BDSG), de la Ley Alemana de Telemedias (Telemediengesetz, TMG) y otros reglamentos legales.

De acuerdo con Artículo 4 Párrafo 1 RGPD, datos personales significa toda información sobre una persona física identificada o identificable. Se considerará persona física identificable toda persona cuya identidad pueda determinarse, directa o indirectamente, en particular mediante un identificador, como por ejemplo un nombre, un número de identificación, datos de localización, un identificador en línea o uno o varios elementos propios de la identidad física, fisiológica, genética, psíquica, económica, cultural o social de dicha persona. Los datos personales son, por ejemplo, nombres de personas, direcciones de correo electrónico, números de teléfono, cuentas bancarias o direcciones.

En lo siguiente, nos gustaría informarle sobre la naturaleza, el alcance, el propósito y la base legal de la recopilación, el procesamiento, el almacenamiento, el uso y la divulgación de datos personales. Además, queremos informarle sobre sus derechos con respecto a la protección de datos y queremos informarle sobre cuánto tiempo conservamos la datos personal.


Información General

En general y en la medida de lo posible, el uso de nuestra oferta de internet es posible sin proporcionar datos personales. En la medida en que la recopilación y el uso de datos personales es necesario (por ejemplo, en el contexto de un registro o para transacciones de pedidos), esto sea hace estrictamente relacionado con la tarea y, en la medida de lo posible, de forma voluntaria. Los datos recopilados se almacenan y procesan de acuerdo con las disposiciones de GDPR, BDSG y TMG por nosotros.

La edad mínima para utilizar este sitio web es de 16 años. Si no ha completado su decimosexto año, no debe utilizar este sitio web.

Persona Responsable

Stefan Trost
Fernewaldstraße 231
46242 Bottrop

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Más información se puede encontrar en la empresa de este sitio web.

Formulario de Contacto

En este sitio web, ofrecemos la posibilidad de escribirnos a través de un formulario de contacto. El uso de esta forma de contacto es voluntario. También puede enviarnos mensajes por correo postal o correo electrónico. En la empresa encontrarás la información correspondiente.

Permitimos utilizar nuestro formulario de contacto sin tener que proporcionar ningún dato personal. Por lo tanto, los campos para su nombre y su dirección de correo electrónico son opcionales. Tenga en cuenta que no podemos responderle si no nos proporciona ninguna información de contacto.

Si nos transmite datos personales a través de nuestro formulario de contacto, usaremos los datos solo estrictamente relacionados con la tarea y solo en la medida necesaria para el procesamiento de su solicitud y la correspondencia con usted.

Your data will be processed in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter b GDPR, provided that the processing of your data is necessary for the performance of a contract with you or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract with you at a request of you or if this is not the case, in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR for the legitimate interest of answering your questions, processing your concerns, maintaining customer loyalty or improving our services.

Basically, we do not transmit your personal data that you have provided us to third parties. Exceptions can be that you have explicitly instructed us to disclose your data, you have explicitly granted us permission to disclose your data, your request explicitly requires the disclosure of data and/or there is a legal obligation to disclose your data in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter c GDPR.

Basically, the deletion of your data takes place, if the processing of your inquiry is completely finished, it is not to be expected that your concrete contact will be relevant again in the future and any statutory retention periods under Article 6 paragraph 1 letter c DSGVO have expired.

If your data is still needed to prosecute our claims and/or to provide evidence for disputes and/or for legal proceedings and/or to prove criminally relevant acts, beyond the points mentioned, the following applies: Your data will be deleted as soon as the respective matter is finally resolved, any legal retention periods have expired and follow-up disputes can no longer be expected. Depending on the individual case, your data may be disclosed to the competent authorities, the competent courts and/or lawyers. The storage, processing and disclosure of your data is carried out only strictly task-related and only to the extent necessary for the completion of the respective matter. Depending on the individual case, the storage, processing and disclosure of your data is done on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter c GDPR (legal obligation) and/or Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR for the legitimate interest of prosecution, legal defense and/or enforcement of our claims.

Correos Electrónicos y Correspondencia

En nuestra empresa publicamos una dirección de correo electrónico y una dirección de correo postal, a través de la cual puede contactarnos. Alternativamente, también puede enviarnos mensajes a través de nuestro formulario de contacto.

Si nos envía un correo electrónico, generalmente también podemos ver su nombre y su dirección de correo electrónico automáticamente en forma del remitente del correo electrónico. Si no desea esto, puede escribirnos un mensaje a través de nuestro formulario de contacto sin indicar su nombre y / o sus direcciones de correo electrónico dejando en blanco los campos correspondientes. Según el proveedor de correo electrónico que utilice, también puede suprimir su nombre en el remitente y / o escribirnos a través de una dirección de correo electrónico no responde.

Si nos transmite datos personales por correo electrónico, correo postal u otro medio de contacto, solo utilizaremos los datos estrictamente relacionados con la tarea y en la medida necesaria para el procesamiento de su solicitud y la correspondencia con usted.

Your data will be processed in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter b GDPR, provided that the processing of your data is necessary for the performance of a contract with you or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract with you at a request of you or if this is not the case, in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR for the legitimate interest of answering your questions, processing your concerns, maintaining customer loyalty or improving our services.

Basically, we do not transmit your personal data that you have provided us to third parties. Exceptions can be that you have explicitly instructed us to disclose your data, you have explicitly granted us permission to disclose your data, your request explicitly requires the disclosure of data and/or there is a legal obligation to disclose your data in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter c GDPR.

Basically, the deletion of your data takes place, if the processing of your inquiry is completely finished, it is not to be expected that your concrete contact will be relevant again in the future and any statutory retention periods under Article 6 paragraph 1 letter c DSGVO have expired.

If your data is still needed to prosecute our claims and/or to provide evidence for disputes and/or for legal proceedings and/or to prove criminally relevant acts, beyond the points mentioned, the following applies: Your data will be deleted as soon as the respective matter is finally resolved, any legal retention periods have expired and follow-up disputes can no longer be expected. Depending on the individual case, your data may be disclosed to the competent authorities, the competent courts and/or lawyers. The storage, processing and disclosure of your data is carried out only strictly task-related and only to the extent necessary for the completion of the respective matter. Depending on the individual case, the storage, processing and disclosure of your data is done on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter c GDPR (legal obligation) and/or Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR for the legitimate interest of prosecution, legal defense and/or enforcement of our claims.

Registro y Cuenta

Tiene la posibilidad de registrarse y crear una cuenta en este sitio web. Su registro es voluntario, en la medida de lo posible, la mayoría de las funciones de esta oferta en línea se pueden usar sin registro.

Queremos que pueda proporcionarnos la menor cantidad de datos personales posible al registrarse y utilizar su cuenta. Sin embargo, necesitamos datos para verificar y proporcionar su cuenta.

Para su registro y para usar su cuenta, solo se requieren los detalles de su nombre de usuario deseado, su dirección de correo electrónico, su contraseña deseada, su sexo y su fecha de cumpleaños. Como nombre de usuario, puede usar un seudónimo o un nombre de fantasía. Además, almacenaremos la fecha actual, la hora actual y su dirección IP actual cuando se registre, cuando inicie sesión, cuando acepte esta Declaración de Protección de Datos y cuando acepte nuestros Términos de Uso.

Procesamos los datos relacionados con su registro y su cuenta sobre la base del Artículo 6, Párrafo 1, Letra b, RGPD y el Artículo 6, Párrafo 1, Letra f, RGPD. Utilizamos estos datos únicamente con el fin de proporcionar y mantener su cuenta. En principio, la divulgación de estos datos a terceros no tendrá lugar a menos que se trate de datos públicamente visibles, como su nombre de usuario o su fecha de registro, que son públicamente visibles para todos los usuarios de esta oferta en línea y, por lo tanto, pueden ser vistos automáticamente por terceros.

Básicamente, todos los datos relacionados con su cuenta se eliminarán inmediatamente después de la finalización de su cuenta. Puede cancelar su cuenta en cualquier momento y sin estar sujeto a plazos, restricciones o requisitos utilizando la función "Eliminar Cuenta" dentro de su cuenta o utilizando una de las opciones de contacto especificadas en la empresa para informarnos que desea cancelar su cuenta. Tenga en cuenta que con su terminación, todos los datos de la cuenta se eliminarán irrevocablemente. Por lo tanto, usted es responsable de almacenar cualquier información que desee proteger antes de su terminación.

Your name chosen during your registration will be displayed publicly visible on this website alongside all contributions published under your account and in user lists and a publicly visible profile page (more information about that in the next paragraph) will be created for your account. If you do not agree with this or if you do not want to publish contributions under your username, please post your contributions while you are not logged in to this website or refrain from registering, then your posts will be listed under the pseudonym "Guest".

On the publicly visible profile page of your account, in addition to your user name chosen during registration, also general information about your account is shown. This may include a selection of contributions written with your account, including excerpts and links, as well as information about your account’s activities, such as the number of posts, the rank, the points, and the registration date. Personal data, such as your date of birth or your email address, will not automatically be displayed on your publicly visible profile page (except, of course, in case you hace chosen your real name as your user name instead of a pseudonym or some fantasy name when registering). You can also publish a free text on your profile page. Please note that your free text will be publicly visible on the Internet and can therefore be retrieved by any Internet user worldwide. Do not write anything in your free text, which should not be publicly visible. In particular, you should not publish any personal data or personal information, such as e-mail-addresses, other contact data or other information, allowing conclusions about your person in your free text. If you do this however, the publication of your data is your own responsibility. Under no circumstances, publish any data or content in your free text, that is not intended for the public. Please note, that your free text can also be found by using search engines. The deletion or correction of data, that has arrived an index of a search engine or another indexing service, often cannot be enforced.

We use your e-mail address in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter b GDPR for the sole purpose of identifying you and communicating information relevant to your account (for example, information about changes in connection with your account, answering your questions or providing a new password). Your e-mail address will not be displayed publicly on this website, nor will we tell your e-mail address to other users or third parties.

We use your date of birth in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter b GDPR solely for the purpose of age verification, in order to determine whether you have reached the minimum age required to use this online offer. Your date of birth will not be publicly displayed on this website, nor will we tell your date of birth to other users or third parties.

We use your gender in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR for the sole purpose of text composition for the legitimate interest of personalizing this online offer and for personalizing our communication with you (for example, for writing "Dear Mrs." or "Dear Mr."). Your gender will not be publicly displayed on this website, nor will we tell your gender to other users or third parties.

We store the date and the time of your registration and login as well as your IP address at the time of your registration and login in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR for purposes and for the legitimate interest to prove the authorship of illegal content, to detect spam, to prove, detect, protect and prevent misuse and other unauthorized use. The date of your registration can be viewed publicly within this online offer in relation to your user name specified during your registration. The date of your logins will not be publicly displayed on this website, nor will we tell the date of your logins to other users or third parties. Your stored IP addresses will not be publicly displayed on this website, nor will we tell your saved IP addresses to other users or third parties.

According to Article 7 paragraph 1 GDPR, we are obliged to prove that you have given consent to the processing of your personal data. For this reason, we store the date of your consent to this Privacy Policy and the date of your consent to our Terms of Use together with your IP address for the purpose of documentation in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR due to the legitimate interest to be able to prove, in case of doubt, that you have agreed to this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. This also applies in the event that we change this Privacy Policy and or our Terms of Use and obtain your consent again. Your consent data will be deleted when your account is deleted. The data will neither be publicly displayed on this website nor communicated to other users or third parties.

If your data is still needed to prosecute our claims and/or to provide evidence for disputes and/or for legal proceedings and/or to prove criminally relevant acts, beyond the points mentioned, the following applies: Your data will be deleted as soon as the respective matter is finally resolved, any legal retention periods have expired and follow-up disputes can no longer be expected. Depending on the individual case, your data may be disclosed to the competent authorities, the competent courts and/or lawyers. The storage, processing and disclosure of your data is carried out only strictly task-related and only to the extent necessary for the completion of the respective matter. Depending on the individual case, the storage, processing and disclosure of your data is done on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter c GDPR (legal obligation) and/or Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR for the legitimate interest of prosecution, legal defense and/or enforcement of our claims.

Tenga en cuenta también nuestros Términos de Uso antes de su registro.

Contribuciones y Función de Comentario

Tiene la posibilidad de publicar contribuciones (como por ejemplo preguntas, respuestas, artículos o comentarios) en este sitio web. Publicar contribuciones es voluntario, también puede usar esta oferta en línea sin escribir ninguna contribución.

Queremos que pueda proporcionarnos la menor cantidad de datos personales posible al escribir y publicar sus contribuciones. Por lo tanto, para escribir contribuciones, no se requiere un registro o la creación de una cuenta.

Por favor, también ayuda a proteger sus datos. No escriba nada en su publicación, que no debe ser visible para el público. En particular, no debe publicar ninguna información personal o datos personales, como direcciones de correo electrónico, otros datos de contacto u otra información, permitiendo conclusiones sobre su persona en sus contribuciones. Sus contribuciones serán visibles públicamente en Internet y, por lo tanto, cualquier usuario de Internet en todo el mundo puede recuperarlas. Sin embargo, si hace esto, la publicación de sus datos es su responsabilidad. Bajo ninguna circunstancia, publique ningún dato o contenido en sus contribuciones, que no esté destinado al público. Tenga en cuenta que sus contribuciones también se pueden encontrar utilizando los motores de búsqueda. La eliminación o corrección de datos que han terminado en un índice de un motor de búsqueda u otro servicio de índice a menudo no se puede aplicar.

Si escribe una contribución y está conectado a su cuenta al mismo tiempo, la contribución se vinculará a su cuenta y aparecerá con el nombre de usuario elegido durante su registro. Si escribe una contribución sin haber iniciado sesión al mismo tiempo, su contribución aparece bajo el nombre "Invitado".

Con su contribución y con cada último cambio en su contribución, almacenamos la fecha actual, la hora actual y su dirección IP actual de acuerdo con el Artículo 6, párrafo 1, letra f del RGPD.

Usamos la fecha y la hora para determinar cuándo una publicación se escribió y modificó, para mostrar esa fecha y para el análisis estadístico (por ejemplo, para determinar cuántas contribuciones se escribieron en qué período de tiempo). El tiempo del primer ahorro de su contribución, así como el tiempo del último cambio de su contribución, se pueden mostrar públicamente dentro de esta oferta en línea en relación con su contribución.

Almacenamos su dirección IP únicamente para los fines y para el interés legítimo de probar la autoría de contenido ilegal, detectar spam, probar, detectar, proteger y prevenir el uso indebido y otros usos no autorizados. Básicamente, su dirección IP almacenada no se mostrará públicamente en este sitio web, ni compartiremos su dirección IP almacenada con otros usuarios o terceros.

Básicamente, todos los datos relacionados con su contribución se eliminarán inmediatamente con la eliminación de su contribución. Puede eliminar su contribución usted mismo (si tiene derecho a hacerlo, por ejemplo, técnicamente no es posible garantizar este permiso para las contribuciones de los invitados bajo la consideración del RGPD) o puede solicitarnos que eliminemos su contribución a través de uno de los opciones de contacto indicadas en la empresa (si puede probar la autoría de su contribución). Tenga en cuenta que la eliminación eliminará irremediablemente todos los datos relacionados con su contribución. Por lo tanto, es su responsabilidad almacenar los datos que desea proteger antes de eliminarlos.

If your data is still needed to prosecute our claims and/or to provide evidence for disputes and/or for legal proceedings and/or to prove criminally relevant acts, beyond the points mentioned, the following applies: Your data will be deleted as soon as the respective matter is finally resolved, any legal retention periods have expired and follow-up disputes can no longer be expected. Depending on the individual case, your data may be disclosed to the competent authorities, the competent courts and/or lawyers. The storage, processing and disclosure of your data is carried out only strictly task-related and only to the extent necessary for the completion of the respective matter. Depending on the individual case, the storage, processing and disclosure of your data is done on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter c GDPR (legal obligation) and/or Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR for the legitimate interest of prosecution, legal defense and/or enforcement of our claims.

Tenga en cuenta también nuestros Términos de Uso para sus contribuciones.

Calificaciones y Votaciones

We offer you the opportunity to rate content and to participate in votings on this website. The rating of content as well as participating in votings is voluntary. You can also use this website without rating or voting.

We want to offer ratings and votings that handle as few personal details as possible. Therefore, a registration or the creation of an account is not required for taking part in ratings or votings. Nevertheless, we need data in order to technically realize a correct rating or voting.

In order to be able to prevent multiple ratings and multiple votes by the same person, we are dependent on being able to determine whether, when someone is rating or voting, the same person has already rated or voted before. For the technical realization of this check, we are using your IP address, which is stored anonymously by us so that your true IP address is not recognizable to us. Furthermore, the anonymized IP address is stored in a way that it is only recognizable that a rating or vote has been carried out by this anonymous IP address, but it is not traceable, how this anonymized IP address has rated or voted (provided not all have rated or voted equaly).

The processing of your data is done in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR for the legitimate interest to prevent manipulation and solely for the purpose of realizing the corresponding rating or voting. Your data will not be disclosed to third parties, but the results of the ratings and votings may be displayed publicly on this website. Based on these results, however, it is no longer possible to retrace who contributed when what to the results. The stored data are deleted at the latest with with the deletion of the rated content or the end of the voting.

Herramientas AskingBox

Estamos ofreciendo Herramientas AskingBox en esta página, en las que también puede ingresar datos arbitrarios. Puede reconocer estas herramientas por una dirección de Internet (URL) que comienza con "". Puede encontrar una descripción general de las herramientas disponibles actualmente aquí. El uso de las Herramientas AskingBox es voluntario, puede usar todas las funciones de esta oferta en línea sin usar las Herramientas AskingBox.

Los datos que ingrese en las Herramientas AskingBox no serán almacenados por nosotros y no serán transmitidos a terceros. Las herramientas están programadas para que ningún dato que ingrese a través de estas herramientas se envíe a nuestros servidores y que el procesamiento de los datos se realice por completo en su propio dispositivo.

Los datos se procesan exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en la herramienta respectiva sobre la base del artículo 6, párrafo 1, letra b del RGPD.


En este sitio web, le ofrecemos la posibilidad de donar por transferencia bancaria o por PayPal, para que pueda apoyarnos financieramente y a esta oferta en línea. Una donación es voluntaria para usted, también puede usar nuestro sitio web sin donar. Del mismo modo, depende de usted si prefiere donar por transferencia bancaria o por PayPal.

Queremos hacer posible que nos brinde la menor cantidad de datos personales posible al hacer su donación. Sin embargo, necesitamos datos para procesar el pago y cumplir con nuestras obligaciones fiscales.

Dependiendo de si realiza una donación por transferencia bancaria o por PayPal, encontrará más información en las secciones "Transferencia Bancaria" o "PayPal", ya que según el método de pago seleccionado se procesan, almacenan y envían diferentes datos.

Procesamos los datos que nos proporcionó como parte de su donación sobre la base del Artículo 6, Párrafo 1, Letra f RGPD, por el interés legítimo de mantener esta oferta en línea y sobre la base del Artículo 6, Párrafo 1, Letra c RGPD para poder seguir nuestro obligaciones fiscales

Con su donación, acepta el procesamiento y almacenamiento de sus datos de la manera y para los fines descritos anteriormente.


On this website, you have the opportunity to donate to us (see section "Donations" for more information) via the external payment service PayPal. The European operating company of PayPal is PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. & Cie. S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, 2449 Luxembourg, Luxemburg. The worldwide operating company of PayPal is PayPal Holdings Inc., 2211 North First Street, San José, CA 95131, USA. For more information about PayPal, visit

The purpose of using PayPal is to offer our users to donate. As part of the fulfillment of contracts, we utilize PayPal in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter b GDPR. In the remaining cases, we utilize PayPal on the basis of our legitimate interests in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR in order to offer our users effective and secure payment options. The use of PayPal to donate is voluntary. You can also donate by bank transfer.

If you decide a donation via PayPal and you click on the PayPal-Donate-Button, you will be redirected to PayPal. With this forwarding we transmit to PayPal the ID and the currency of the PayPal button you have clicked. PayPal uses this ID to recognize that we are the recipient of the donation and also provides this information on the page to which you are redirected.

If you complete the donation via the donation processing of PayPal, we will get back from PayPal a confirmation of your donation. This confirmation includes your optional message to us, the information that you have donated, how much money you have transferred to us, your name you have stated at PayPal, your email address you have stated at PayPal and your country of origin you have stated at PayPal. In addition, we do not receive any further of your personal data from PayPal. This means, for example, that your bank account number or your credit card number that you have provided to PayPal can only be processed, viewed or stored by PayPal and not by us. Also your address will not be transmitted to us by PayPal. Therefore, please inform us of your billing address if you need an invoice.

We use your name and your e-mail address to send you a thank-you mail for your donation. In addition, we use your data solely for accounting purposes (including the issuance of your invoice) and we do not disclose your data to third parties unless there is a legal obligation according to Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter c GDPR.

Under circumstances, PayPal may share your data with affiliates, service providers, and/or subcontractors to the extent necessary to fulfill the contractual obligations or to process the data on behalf of PayPal. In addition, PayPal may also pass your information to credit reporting agencies for identity and credit checks.

Please note that due to the technical functioning of information transfer on the Internet, a connection to PayPal’s servers is already established when visiting a page on which a PayPal button is integrated in order to load and display the PayPal button. As a result, PayPal will automatically be aware of your IP address and the page you are currently visiting respectively on which the PayPal button is embedded.

For the use of PayPal, PayPal’s terms and conditions apply, which you can access at and PayPal’s Privacy Policy apply, which you can access at On these pages you will also find more information about PayPal, the use of data by PayPal as well as object and withdraw options.

Due to legal regulations, we are obliged to retain issued invoices and receipts of your donation for ten years. This storage is done on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter c GDPR due to our tax obligations. Accordingly, a deletion of the data is done after expiry of all prescribed storage obligations.

If your data is still needed to prosecute our claims and/or to provide evidence for disputes and/or for legal proceedings and/or to prove criminally relevant acts, beyond the points mentioned, the following applies: Your data will be deleted as soon as the respective matter is finally resolved, any legal retention periods have expired and follow-up disputes can no longer be expected. Depending on the individual case, your data may be disclosed to the competent authorities, the competent courts and/or lawyers. The storage, processing and disclosure of your data is carried out only strictly task-related and only to the extent necessary for the completion of the respective matter. Depending on the individual case, the storage, processing and disclosure of your data is done on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter c GDPR (legal obligation) and/or Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR for the legitimate interest of prosecution, legal defense and/or enforcement of our claims.

By selecting PayPal as payment option, you agree to the processing and storage of your data in the manner described above and for the purpose described above.

Transferencia Bancaria

On this website, you have the opportunity to donate to us (see section "Donations" for more information) via bank transfer.

The purpose of providing this payment option is to offer our users to donate. As part of the fulfillment of contracts, we utilize bank transfers in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter b GDPR. In the remaining cases, we utilize bank transfers on the basis of our legitimate interests in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR in order to offer our users effective and secure payment options. The use of bank transfers to donate is voluntary. You can also donate by PayPal.

If you have transferred money to us for a donation, we will see on our bank account statement the name of your bank, your specified purpose of your bank transfer and the amount of money you have transferred to us. Above that, we have no other information which would allow us to contact you or draw conclusions about you. Also your address will not be transmitted to us by our bank. Therefore, please inform us of your billing address if you need an invoice.

We use your name and your e-mail address to send you a thank-you mail for your donation. In addition, we use your data solely for accounting purposes (including the issuance of your invoice) and we do not disclose your data to third parties unless there is a legal obligation according to Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter c GDPR.

Due to legal regulations, we are obliged to retain issued invoices and receipts of your donation for ten years. This storage is done on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter c GDPR due to our tax obligations. Accordingly, a deletion of the data is done after expiry of all prescribed storage obligations.

If your data is still needed to prosecute our claims and/or to provide evidence for disputes and/or for legal proceedings and/or to prove criminally relevant acts, beyond the points mentioned, the following applies: Your data will be deleted as soon as the respective matter is finally resolved, any legal retention periods have expired and follow-up disputes can no longer be expected. Depending on the individual case, your data may be disclosed to the competent authorities, the competent courts and/or lawyers. The storage, processing and disclosure of your data is carried out only strictly task-related and only to the extent necessary for the completion of the respective matter. Depending on the individual case, the storage, processing and disclosure of your data is done on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter c GDPR (legal obligation) and/or Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR for the legitimate interest of prosecution, legal defense and/or enforcement of our claims.

By selecting the bank transfer as payment option, you agree to the processing and storage of your data in the manner described above and for the purpose described above.


Cookies are small text files that can be stored by your browser on your device when visiting a web page. If you visit the same website for another time, the information stored in the Cookies can be read out again, if the Cookies are still stored at that time. This allows the web page to recognize that you have been there before.

We use cookies on our website to identify your computer while you are logged on to us. These cookies are created with a login on our website and are only used to identify your current session. After your logout, these cookies are no longer needed and they are usually deleted near term and automatically by your browser. For this purpose, we set the expiration date of the cookies to 5 hours, which tells your browser to delete the cookies 5 hours after your last login. The purpose of these cookies is to technically make possible your login on this page. Without these cookies, you would have to log in again and again each time you follow a link within this page, because the site would not be able to recognize you. These cookies are stored and used in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter b GDPR.

Also Google AdSense, a service for displaying advertisements integrated in our website, uses cookies. To learn more about that, see the section „Google AdSense“ of this document.

In addition, cookies from VG Wort are used on this website to measure access to texts. Further information can be found in the section „VG Wort“ of this document.

Most browsers are set so that they automatically accept cookies. However, the storage of cookies can be prevented or adapted to your needs by a setting in your browser. Already stored cookies can be deleted at any time by a function in your browser. By setting the appropriate setting in your browser, you can at any time permanently object to the storage of cookies through our website. Normally you will find the corresponding functions for managing, deleting and storing cookies in your browser settings under the term "Privacy". Depending on which browser and which browser version you use, the functions can also be structured or named differently.

Google AdSense

We are using "Google AdSense" for including advertisements on this website. Provider respectively operating company of Google AdSense is the Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google LLC is a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google AdSense is explained in detail on Further information can be found on the page

Google is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement, which provides a guarantee to comply with European data protection law. For more information, see

The purpose of using Google AdSense is to display advertisements on this website. The use of Google AdSense as well as the storage of cookies by Google AdSense is based on Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR for the legitimate interest of analysis and optimization of this online offer as well as for the legitimate interest to finance the free content of this online offer, to be able to maintain this online offer at all and to make the free content possible as far as possible to remain free in the future.

Google AdSense uses cookies and web beacons. Cookies are small text files that can be stored by your browser on your device when visiting a web page. More information about cookies, their deletion and how you can deactivate the storage of cookies can be found in the "Cookies" section of this privacy policy. Web beacons are invisible graphics that are embedded in web pages to enable log file recording and log file analysis, which can be used to evaluate information such as visitor traffic on this website. The information on the use of this website gained through cookies and web beacons as well as your IP address are transmitted to Google’s servers, stored there and can also be passed on to contractual partners by Google.

Through the use of those cookies and web beacons, Google and its partners can provide you with personalized and thus more relevant ads based on your previous visits of this or other websites on the Internet.

As part of Google AdSense, also ads from third-party vendors or advertising networks can be displayed on this website. These too can use cookies for their ad delivery. An overview and further information can be found on the page

For more information about Google AdSense and how Google uses your data as well as for configuration options and information about how to object and withdraw, see the privacy policy of Google, which you can access on The settings for the display of advertising by Google can be found on (with Google Account) or (without Google Account). On the two pages mentioned last, you can disable personalized advertising. In addition, you can deactivate the use of cookies for personalized advertising by a third party vendor on

By using this website, you agree to the processing and storage of the data collected about you by Google in the manner described above and for the purpose described above.

VG Wort

On this website, web beacons and session cookies from VG Wort, Untere Weidenstraße 5, 81543 Munich, Germany, are used to measure access to texts in order to determine the likelihood of copying.

Web beacons are invisible graphics integrated in websites, whereby information about visits to the website in question can be understood and evaluated. Session cookies are small pieces of information that an operator stores in the visitor’s computer memory. In a session cookie, a randomly generated unique identification number, a so-called session ID, is stored. Furthermore, a cookie contains information about its origin and the storage period. Beyond, session cookies cannot save any other data. No personal data is captured via these cookies. For more information on cookies, see the "Cookies" section of this document.

The measurements are carried out by the Kantar Germany GmbH according to the „Skalierbares Zentrales Messverfahren“ (SZM). They help to determine the likelihood of individual texts being copied in order to remunerate the legal claims of authors and publishers. Thereby, we enable our authors to participate in the distributions of VG Wort, which ensure the statutory remuneration for the use of copyrighted works in accordance with Section 53 of the German Copyright Act (Urheberrechtsgesetz, UrhG). This takes place on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR for the legitimate interest in enabling the aforementioned remuneration.

Data Protection Declaration for the use of the Skalierbares Zentrales Messverfahren

On this website, the „Skalierbares Zentrales Messverfahren“ (SZM) from the Kantar Germany GmbH is used to determine statistical parameters to determine the probability of texts being copied.

In the process, anonymous measured values are surveyed. For the recognition of computer systems, the access number measurement alternatively uses a session cookie or a signature that is created from various automatically transmitted information from your browser. IP addresses are only processed in anonymised form.

The procedure was developed under observance of data protection. The sole aim of the procedure is to determine the probability of individual texts being copied. At no time individual users are identified. Your identity is always protected. You will not receive any advertising through the system.

Aplicaciones para Teléfonos Inteligentes

Nuestra Declaración de Protección de Datos para Aplicaciones de Teléfonos Inteligentes se puede encontrar aquí.

Protocolos y Datos de Acceso

Registramos el acceso a las páginas y archivos de esta oferta en línea. Nuestros registros incluyen la fecha y la hora, el nombre de la página o el archivo solicitado por usted, la cantidad de datos transmitidos, un mensaje sobre el éxito de la recuperación, su dirección IP y los datos transmitidos por el navegador, como el tipo de navegador, versión del navegador, sistema operativo, tipo de dispositivo y la página visitada previamente (referrer).

These data is processed anonymized and without reference to any inventory data or other data you provide us and is therefore not allocatable to specific individuals or users for us. The data is solely used for technical optimization as well as diagnostic, statistical and system-related purposes, for example, to determine which links are no longer functioning, to detect and prevent unauthorized access, or to determine which content is most popular, regardless of to whom the content was delivered.

The processing of the data is carried out in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR for the legitimate interest to improve this online offer, to administer this online offer, to ensure the proper functioning of this online offer and to detect, prevent and prosecute misuse.

Please note that due to the technical functioning of the transmission of information on the Internet, it can not be ruled out that providers of external content will also keep track of access to the content they provide. This includes, for example, the integration of PayPal buttons or the display of advertisements via Google AdSense. Please refer to the respective sections about the respective external provider within this privacy policy for more information. Basically, above that, we do not disclose access data to third parties.

Log files are automatically deleted after nine weeks. We reserve the right, in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR, for the legitimate interest to investigate and to prosecute misuse or illegal activities, to store log files for longer periods of time, if retention is required for evidence purposes. The accumulated access data (number of times a content has been called up in total) is permanently included in the overall statistics of the most frequently accessed content on this online offer and is retained for the duration of the continuance of this online offer.

If your data is still needed to prosecute our claims and/or to provide evidence for disputes and/or for legal proceedings and/or to prove criminally relevant acts, beyond the points mentioned, the following applies: Your data will be deleted as soon as the respective matter is finally resolved, any legal retention periods have expired and follow-up disputes can no longer be expected. Depending on the individual case, your data may be disclosed to the competent authorities, the competent courts and/or lawyers. The storage, processing and disclosure of your data is carried out only strictly task-related and only to the extent necessary for the completion of the respective matter. Depending on the individual case, the storage, processing and disclosure of your data is done on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter c GDPR (legal obligation) and/or Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR for the legitimate interest of prosecution, legal defense and/or enforcement of our claims.

Hosting y Servidor

Este sitio web, incluidas las bases de datos asociadas, se opera en servidores de la empresa 1&1 Internet SE, Elgendorfer Straße 57, 56410 Montabaur, Alemania (en adelante, 1&1). Nuestro tráfico de correo electrónico también se procesa a través de servidores de 1&1. De acuerdo con Artículo 28 RGPD, hemos concluido un Acuerdo de Procesamiento de Datos con 1&1 a este respecto.

Derecho de Acceso del Interesado

According to Article 15 GDPR, you have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you are being processed.

If that is the case, according to Article 15 GDPR, you have the right to access the personal data, you have the right to get a copy of the personal data and you have the right to get the following information: (a) the purposes of the processing; (b) the categories of personal data concerned; (c) the recipients or categories of recipient to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, in particular recipients in third countries or international organisations; (d) where possible, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period; (e) the existence of the right to request from the controller rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing of personal data concerning the data subject or to object to such processing; (f) the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority; (g) where the personal data are not collected from the data subject, any available information as to their source; (h) the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, referred to in Article 22 paragraphs 1 and 4 GDPR and, at least in those cases, meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject.

Si desea ejercer su derecho de acceso, contáctenos a través de una de las opciones de contacto mencionadas en la empresa.

Derecho de Rectificación y Derecho a Completar

According to Article 16 GDPR, you have the right to obtain without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, furthermore, you have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.

Si desea ejercer su derecho de rectificación o su derecho a completar, contáctenos a través de una de las opciones de contacto mencionadas en la empresa.

Derecho de Supresión y Derecho a la Limitación del Tratamiento

According to Article 17 GDPR, you have the right to obtain the erasure of personal data concerning you without undue delay. Additionally, you have the right to obtain the restriction of processing according to Article 18 GDPR.

Si desea ejercer su derecho de supresión o su derecho a la limitación del tratamiento, contáctenos a través de una de las opciones de contacto mencionadas en la empresa.

Derecho de Retirada

According to Article 7 Paragraph 3 GDPR, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time without stating reasons. Your withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on your consent before your withdrawal.

Si desea ejercer su derecho de retirada, contáctenos a través de una de las opciones de contacto mencionadas en la empresa.

Derecho de Oposición

According to Article 21 GDPR, you have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning you. Where personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning you for such marketing, which includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing.

Si desea ejercer su derecho de oposición, contáctenos a través de una de las opciones de contacto mencionadas en la empresa.

Derecho a no estar objeto de una Decisión basada únicamente en el tratamiento automatizado

De acuerdo con Artículo 22 RGPD, usted tiene derecho a no ser objeto de una decisión basada únicamente en el tratamiento automatizado, incluida la elaboración de perfiles, que produzca efectos jurídicos en usted o le afecte significativamente de modo similar.

Derecho a la Portabilidad de los Datos

According to Article 20 GDPR, you have the right to receive the personal data concerning you, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. Further, you have the right to transmit those data to another controller. In exercising your right to data portability, you have also the right to have your personal data transmitted directly from us to another controller, where technically feasible.

Si desea ejercer su derecho a la portabilidad de datos, contáctenos a través de una de las opciones de contacto mencionadas en la empresa.

Derecho a presentar una Reclamación ante una Autoridad de Control

De acuerdo con Artículo 77 RGPD, sin perjuicio de cualquier otro recurso administrativo o acción judicial, usted tiene derecho a presentar una reclamación ante una autoridad de control, en particular en el Estado miembro en el que tenga su residencia habitual, lugar de trabajo o lugar de la supuesta infracción, si considera que el tratamiento de datos personales que le conciernen infringe el RGPD.

La autoridad de control de protección de datos responsable de nosotros es:

Die Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit Nordrhein-Westfalen
Apartado de Correos: Postfach 20 04 44, 40102 Düsseldorf, Alemania
Dirección: Kavalleriestraße 2-4, 40213 Düsseldorf, Alemania
Teléfono: 0211 38424 - 0
Telefax: 0211 38424 - 10

Idioma y Ley Aplicable

Este documento está sujeto a la ley de la República Federal de Alemania y debe interpretarse de conformidad con esta ley, sin dar efecto a los principios de conflictos legales.

Con respecto a la interpretación de este documento, especialmente en casos de conflicto, solo la versión alemana de este documento es válida. Esto se aplica, incluso si Stefan Trost Media ha proporcionado una traducción a otro idioma. Las traducciones a otro idioma son solo un servicio para usuarios que no están familiarizados con el idioma alemán.

Preguntas, Sugerencias y Feedback

Si tiene preguntas sobre nuestra Declaración de Protección de Datos o la recopilación o el uso de sus datos personales, o si desea darnos sugerencias o comentarios, puede contactarnos a través de nuestro formulario de contacto o una de las formas de contacto mencionadas en nuestra empresa.

© Stefan Trost Media 2011-2024. Todos los derechos reservados.

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